Monday, January 26, 2004's slow yet again but happiness i see in the what i do not know,.... maybe it's a new computer upgrade woohoo....harddisk time!....well today and the weeks past are slow....very slow only canoeing and hanging out with frens making it fun...all i wish to say today is......a big boulder just left the island

Friday, January 16, 2004

hmmmm....well the day is slow, death creeping....i wonder if i can ever find happiness in teenage life? much for the hype of a teenager....happy without a care in the world... well i think i gave too much care.

Friday, January 09, 2004 at school bored as hell in a boring lesson...i wanna sleep but channon will kick my ass after brb later

Sunday, January 04, 2004 a problem...cant access other ppl's blogs...why the hell not?

Thursday, January 01, 2004

hmmmm...the new year hath cometh , and the past has passed....with the new year i wish my friends and family so they will be healthy and happy....May Your Resolutions Be Done.... Thank You For All Who Made 2003 A Special Year For Me....