Saturday, February 28, 2004

hmmmm......why does people have this fondness of forgetfulness? i am a man who believes that if you say it , you jolly well better do it. please dont toss it aside because things got better for some reason. if it got better, it means it can get much worse. no point hurting yourself because you want to imagine that it could actually work out, when u bloody hell know it wont. Life's a War, your heart cant win it for you but ur mind sure can.

another point, friendship is something you treasure and have fun with, not bloody hell dump ur troubles in. when shit happens, yes u go to ur friends but they understand it just once will do. Yes yes it is the most important thing in your life doesnt mean it gotta be your fren's too.

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

hmmmm...........i cant think for the life of me....why do people say things they cant do? e.g i will poison ur food , i will go there to find u.........lord please be reasonable.....u cant poison man, u r just too damn balless......u cant fly there, u r too god damn poor......geeez please such mockery to the system.....just grab reality back k? not good to think bigger than u really are......i say the things i say because i can pretty much GOD DAMN DO IT....

Sunday, February 01, 2004

hmmmm.....Hate.....why people conceive it as a bad thing? Hate is a human emotion that we cannot avoid.....if we like it, people will deem us as evil, inhuman, demoic....such as me...if we somehow avoid it, do you consider yourself human or ignorant? At least i have my reasons for my hate...Hate is something u can embrace to make yourself you the drive when u desperately need think.........humans.....